The Best T Shirt Graphic Design Software Options to Try in 2023. Woman in jean shirt holding a t-shirt

17 Best T Shirt Graphic Design Software Options to Try in 2023

Hey there, t-shirt enthusiasts! 🎉 Have you ever stared at a blank t-shirt and thought, “Omg, I could totally turn this into something epic?”

Well, you’re not alone. And guess what?

It’s NEVER been easier to bring those killer custom t-shirt top designs in your head to life. All you need is the right tool. Yep, we’re talking about the BEST t-shirt graphic design software!

Look, we get it. There are TONS of options out there.

Some good, some eh, not so much.

That’s why we’ve done the heavy lifting for you. We’ve scoured the web, read the reviews, and even tested some of these bad boys ourselves.

All to give you the lowdown on the top 17 graphic design software ideas for your t-shirt biz or hobby.

Recommendations Section:

Don’t Skip on Vector Graphics

Trust me, you’re going to want to stick with vector graphics for all your design elements. Why? Because they’re the ONLY way to ensure your designs scale like a champ! Imagine finishing a design and then—BOOM—you realize it won’t scale up for that cozy blanket or massive wall art you’ve been dreaming of. Total letdown, right?

My Top Picks
Adobe Illustrator Logo

Adobe Illustrator

As a designer, Adobe Illustrator has been a game-changer for me. The ability to create from scratch offers endless creative possibilities. The layering system is so intuitive that changing colors or elements is just a click away, giving me the freedom to experiment without hassle. And, the extensive font library is a dream, offering options for every project imaginable. Plus, the auto-trace feature lets me import images and convert them into original designs effortlessly. This software isn’t just a tool; it’s like an extension of my creativity. If you’re serious about design, investing in Adobe Illustrator is a no-brainer. Your creativity will soar, and your projects will never be the same.

Canva Logo

Canva (Beginner Friendly)

As someone who’s worked with various design tools, Canva Pro is an absolute gem, especially for those who aren’t sure how to kickstart their creative projects. It’s incredibly user-friendly, making it the perfect entry point for beginners. The wealth of templates provides an excellent starting ground, saving time and helping to ease the design process. Beyond just graphics, its capability to edit videos and remove backgrounds from images is super handy. You can even whip up infographics with ease. While it doesn’t support vector design natively, it does allow you to export designs as SVG files. This means you can take your creations into more advanced software for further refinement. If you’re new to design or need a more straightforward approach, Canva Pro is a fantastic choice. It’s a one-stop-shop for a wide range of creative needs.

Fresco Logo


What I love most is its ability to handle both raster and vector graphics. This dual functionality offers a level of versatility I never knew I needed until I had it. Just like with more advanced desktop tools, the layering options in Fresco are top-notch. They’ve been a real time-saver for me, allowing for quick color adjustments and the easy removal of elements that don’t quite fit. In a nutshell, Fresco combines the best of both worlds, making it an essential tool for anyone who loves to create on the go. It’s a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly design app that’s streamlined my creative process incredibly.

I’ve Walked the Walk

Why listen to me? Simple. I’ve been through the design trenches—trial and error, late-night design sprints, and even the dreaded “Oops, that didn’t print like I thought it would” moments. I got you!

This isn’t just advice; it’s real talk from someone who’s been there, done that. So, take it from me—vector graphics are a must! 🌟

So, buckle up whether you’re a pro designer or a newbie. We’re diving deep into:

  • The top PAID options that pros swear by.
  • FREE tools that are perfect for beginners but still pack a punch.
  • Web-based software for designing on the go.
  • Mobile-friendly apps for when inspiration strikes anywhere.

You’ll get the nitty-gritty details—everything from pricing to key benefits and even some drawbacks (because nobody’s perfect).

Ready to take your t-shirt game to the next level? Then keep reading! 🚀

Elevate your freelance game! Learn how to get graphic design clients and build a thriving design business online. Dive in now!

What are The Best Software to Design T Shirts?

Adobe Illustrator

Known for its superior vector graphics capabilities, Illustrator lets you craft designs creating patterns that are not only stunning but also highly scalable—essential for any T-shirt design that needs to adapt to different sizes and resolutions.

Whether you’re looking to create intricate patterns, bold graphics, or simple text-based designs, Illustrator’s comprehensive toolset is geared for excellence.

Adobe Illustrator Logo

Key Benefit:

  • Create anything from simple doodles to professional designs
  • Variety of brushes, shapes, and color options for limitless creativity
  • Plays nice with other Adobe Photoshop and other apps for a whole creative experience
  • Fun text styles to make your words pop
  • Save your masterpieces in multiple formats, perfect for sharing
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest creative tools and safety features
  • Expand your horizons with cool add-ons and templates from others


Starting at $20.99/month.

Product Pros

  • A tool for every creative whim, from sketching to design
  • Personalize your workspace to make it your creative corner
  • Easy to swap projects between Adobe apps for the ultimate workflow
  • Regular updates to keep your creative juices flowing

Product Cons

  • Takes some time to learn all the cool tricks
  • Subscription-based, so it’s an ongoing expense
  • Make sure you have a decent computer; this app loves power!

Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer offers a robust, cost-effective platform ideal for T-shirt design, blending powerful vector and raster capabilities in one unified workspace. Then its intuitive tools and high-quality print output options make it easy to turn creative ideas into vibrant, print-ready apparel designs.

Perfect for freelancers and small design studios, this one-time purchase of professional software is a go-to for crafting compelling T-shirts.

Affinity Designer Logo

Key Benefit

  • A rich palette of brushes, shapes, and colors for boundless creativity
  • User-friendly, making it ideal for beginners and pros alike
  • One-time purchase; no subscription needed!
  • Smooth compatibility with major file formats, including Adobe’s
  • Regular updates to keep your toolkit fresh
  • Works on both Windows and Mac


Onetime payment of $69.99 for desktop and $18.49 for iPad version

Product Pros

  • Wide range of tools for all kinds of artistic endeavors
  • Easy on the wallet with a one-time fee
  • Intuitive layout that’s easy to navigate

Product Cons

  • Not as feature-rich as some of the industry heavyweights like Adobe Illustrator
  • Limited integration with other software
  • Might lack some advanced capabilities for ultra-professional work


Sketch provides a streamlined, user-friendly interface specially tailored for UI and UX designers, but it’s also highly effective for creating intricate T-shirt designs.

The software’s vector-based work environment and extensive plugin ecosystem enable you to design, modify, and export print-ready files with ease.

Sketch Logo

Key Benefit

  • Optimized for macOS, making it super snappy
  • Plug-and-play with a range of add-ons for more fun
  • Collaborate with your team in real-time
  • Built-in tools for user interface and user experience design
  • Frequent updates for a constantly evolving toolkit
  • Export your creations in multiple formats for any use


Monthly subscription service starts at $10 a month

Product Pros

  • Tailored for Mac users, offering a seamless design experience
  • Team-friendly features make group projects a breeze
  • A variety of add-ons to expand your creative horizon

Product Cons

  • Only available for macOS. Sorry, Windows users!
  • Subscription pricing means ongoing costs
  • It may not have as many features as some other heavy-duty design apps

Xara Designer Pro

Xara Designer Pro is a comprehensive design tool that offers powerful graphic design capabilities suitable for anything from web design to T-shirt creations. Also, its vector illustration and photo-editing features, you can effortlessly produce high-quality, print-ready T-shirt designs.

Its robust performance and intuitive interface make it a go-to solution for professionals looking for speed and precision in their design workflow.

Xara Logo

Key Benefit

  • Dabble in graphic design, web design, photo editing, and more
  • Fast performance to keep your creative flow going
  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy-peasy designing
  • Comes with a treasure trove of pre-designed templates
  • Make your text dance with stylish typography options
  • One-time purchase, so no monthly subscription hassles
  • Supports a wide array of file formats


Monthly subscription starts at 19.99. Or 14.99 with an annual subscription

Product Pros

  • All your creative needs in one software
  • Super speedy, no waiting for slow loading times
  • Buy once, own forever!

Product Cons

  • A bit of a learning curve with so many features
  • Not as widely known, so fewer community resources

What are the Top Free T-shirt Design Software?


Inkscape is a free software design tool perfect for anyone looking to create their own T-shirt designs. With user-friendly features like text customization and shape editing, you can make unique and print-ready designs.

Because it’s open-source, you’ll also benefit from regular updates and a supportive community to help bring your T-shirt ideas to life.

Inkscape Logo
Key Benefit:
  • Create beautiful graphics, from logos to landscapes
  • Absolutely free to use, so your wallet can breathe easy
  • Packed with customizable tools for artistic freedom
  • Friendly with multiple file types for easy sharing
  • Works on Windows, Mac, and Linux


Product Pros
  • Free and fabulous—what more could you ask for?
  • Versatile enough for beginners and pros alike
  • Cross-platform compatibility makes it accessible to everyone
Product Cons
  • Might not be as snappy or as feature-rich as paid alternatives
  • The interface can feel a little overwhelming at first
  • Community support is great but lacks official customer service


Vectr is a straightforward yet powerful web and desktop cross-platform vector graphics design tool, ideal for creating stunning T-shirt designs. Also, with real-time collaboration features and a user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly translate your ideas into professional-quality vectors suitable for any T-shirt fabric or style.

Best of all, Vectr offers its suite of design tools for free, making it accessible for novice and experienced designers.

Key Benefit
  • Totally free, so your budget can take a breather
  • Web-based and desktop versions for ultimate flexibility
  • Super simple and intuitive interface
  • Real-time collaboration to make teamwork a dream
  • Instantly shareable design URLs
  • Great for quick projects and beginner designs

Free & Paid Options

Product Pros
  • Free as the air you breathe—yep, no hidden costs!
  • Easy-peasy to use, even if you’re a design rookie
  • Works on all your devices, so you can design on the go
Product Cons
  • Not as feature-rich as some paid alternatives
  • No offline mode for the web-based version
  • Limited customer support, mostly community-based

Vectornator (aka Linearity Curve)

Vectornator is an all-in-one vector t-shirt design software that easily brings your T-shirt design concepts to life.

Optimized for Mac and iOS, this platform offers intuitive tools and a seamless user experience, perfect for creating intricate or simple designs for your apparel.

Vectornator Logo
Key Benefit
  • Your pocket-sized design studio is perfect for iPads and iPhones
  • Free to use, making quality design accessible to all
  • Syncs effortlessly with iCloud for on-the-go access
  • Offers a bunch of fancy templates and clip art images for a head start
  • Supports Apple Pencil for that hand-drawn touch
  • Loads of built-in resources, like icons and fonts

Free and paid monthly subscription plan for $10 a month

Product Pros
  • Create designs anywhere, even while sipping coffee at the café
  • Totally free, so your wallet stays full and happy
  • Smooth iCloud syncing keeps you organized
Product Cons
  • Limited to Apple devices, sorry, Android folks!
  • Might not have every single advanced feature you’d find in desktop apps
  • Requires newer iOS devices for optimal performance

What are Some Beginner Friendly Web Based T-Shirt Design Software Options?


Canva simplifies the T-shirt design process with its user-friendly interface, full image editing software, and extensive library of templates and elements.

Also, with thousands of customizable layouts and a vast range of fonts and images, creating eye-catching T-shirt design in a breeze—even for design novices. Ideal for small businesses or individual creators, Canva lets you export your designs easily for print or digital use.

Canva Logo
Key Benefit:
  • Massive library of templates, from resumes to social media posts
  • Drag-and-drop magic—no design degree required
  • Free version that’s actually really good
  • Team collaboration to bring everyone into the design party
  • Cloud-based, so you can design from your computer or even your phone
  • Print and ship options so your masterpiece can live in the real world


Free and paid subscription for $9.99 with annual subscription

Start your free PRO trail today!

Product Pros
  • Incredibly easy to use—you can create something snazzy in minutes!
  • Tons of templates mean you’ll never face designer’s block
  • Works on multiple devices so you can design on the fly
Product Cons
  • The free version can get you pretty far, but some cool stuff is behind a paywall
  • Might not satisfy professionals seeking complex design capabilities
  • With so many templates, you could get lost for hours (although, is that really a con?)

Crello (aka Vista Create)

Crello makes T-shirt design effortless, offering a user-friendly platform with various customizable templates tailored for apparel. A treasure trove of design elements, including fonts, icons, and images, allows for endless creativity.

Ideal for designers of all levels, Crello helps you turn your vision into a print-ready masterpiece.

Crello Logo
Key Benefit
  • Library bursting with over 25,000 templates
  • Easy-to-use, even for folks who flunked art class
  • Free version available, plus affordable subscription plans
  • Web-based, so no need to install anything
  • Multilingual support because creativity knows no borders
  • Features like animated designs to jazz up your projects

Free and Paid subscription of $10.00 a month with annual subscription

Product Pros
  • Beginner-friendly, so no more design jitters!
  • Enormous template library is like an all-you-can-eat design buffet
  • Super easy to share your creations online
Product Cons
  • Some of the most tempting features and templates require a paid plan
  • No offline mode, so you’re tied to having an internet connection
  • It may not be robust enough for high-level, professional design work


Placeit is a go-to platform for T-shirt designers looking for quick mock-ups and professional-grade templates.

Create your own custom T-shirts within minutes with the extensive library of apparel mock-ups. Also, perfect for beginners and professional designers aiming to streamline their design process.

Place It Logo
Key Benefit
  • Gigantic selection of mock-ups, from t-shirts to book covers
  • Create logos and videos without breaking a sweat
  • No software download needed; all the magic happens online
  • User-friendly design, perfect for newbies
  • Offers a free trial so you can dip your toes before diving in
  • A design tool and marketing aid rolled into one

$9.99 monthly subscription

Product Pros
  • Super-duper easy to use, no design skills needed
  • Variety galore! Tons of templates to play with
  • Quick results that look professionally done
Product Cons
  • Monthly subscription for full access can add up
  • Some templates can look a bit generic
  • Limited customization compared to specialized software


Vecteezy makes T-shirt design accessible for everyone, providing a wealth of vector graphics perfect for apparel design. With its easy-to-use editor and a vast library of assets, you can quickly create or customize unique T-shirt designs without the steep learning curve.

Ideal for both novices and experienced designers, Vecteezy simplifies the journey from concept to print-ready design.

Vecteezy Logo
Key Benefit
  • Huge library of vector designs, so it’s like an art fair in your computer
  • Easy-to-use editing tool, no designer glasses needed
  • Free and premium options to suit your budget and taste
  • Instant downloads, because who likes waiting?
  • Community-driven, which means fresh designs keep coming in
  • Licenses that are easy to understand, so you know where you stand

Free and paid monthly subscription of $9.00

Product Pros
  • Massive selection lets you pick from the cream of the crop
  • Editing tool is user-friendly, like training wheels for design
  • Lots of free stuff that looks amazing
Product Cons
  • The really jaw-dropping designs might cost you some coin
  • Internet connection is a must-have, so don’t plan on going off the grid
  • May not fully replace a dedicated design tool for intricate projects


Kittl is your go-to platform for T-shirt design, offering an arsenal of AI-powered tools that make the design process of custom t-shirt designs a breeze.

Also, text effects that make your typography pop, a vast library of fonts and illustrations, and innovative text-to-image generation, you can effortlessly create eye-catching T-shirt designs.

Kittl Logo
Key Benefit
  • Shadows, glows, and all sorts of snazzy effects
  • A smorgasbord of fonts and illustrations
  • From paper to wood, make your design feel real
  • Like having a design wizard on your payroll
  • Turn words into stunning visuals effortlessly
  • Generate cool icons and doodles with just a text prompt
  • Make any image sharp and resizable with ease

Free and Paid Plans. The Pro plan is $10.00 a month with annual subscription

Product Pros
  • You’ll feel like a text magician with all the cool effects
  • Huge library means you’ll never run out of design goodies
  • AI features are like having a design cheat code
Product Cons
  • Feature overload might feel intimidating at first
  • No free lunch, some premium stuff requires paying
  • Might make you so creative you’ll forget to eat (just kidding, don’t forget to eat!)

Gravit Designer (aka Corel Vector)

Gravit Designer is a versatile tool streamlining the T-shirt design process, offering a range of customizable templates, advanced design features, and a user-friendly interface. Whether sketching out basic shapes or delving into intricate graphics, this software gives you the power and precision you need.

Gravit Designer Logo
Key Benefit
  • Great set of tools for vector art, UI design, and more
  • It’s free to start, so you can try before you fully commit
  • Built-in cloud storage for easy access to your projects
  • Collaborate in real-time with teammates or clients

$69.99 annually

Product Pros
  • No downloads or installations; just open your browser and go
  • Free basic version lets you try before you dive in
  • Super easy to collaborate with others anywhere in the world
Product Cons
  • The free version has some limitations on features
  • Advanced features require a Pro subscription
  • Being web-based, it can be reliant on a good internet connection

What are the Top Mobile Friendly Software for T-Shirt Design?

Fresco (replaced Adobe Illustrator Draw)

Adobe Fresco is an all-encompassing app for artists who want to venture into the world of T-shirt design.

Also, offering an array of versatile brushes and intuitive features, this app is well-suited for creating detailed and expressive art perfect for garment and screen printing, too.

Fresco Logo
Key Benefit:
  • Explore a variety of brushes, including live, pixel, and vector options.
  • Access professional-grade tools, from masking to unlimited layers.
  • Enhance your designs with advanced effects like liquify, time-lapse, and the magic wand.
  • Enjoy mobility and sync across devices via Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Elevate your skills with educational tutorials.

9.99 for annually

Product Pros
  • Versatility: Paint like Van Gogh or design like a modern-day graphic artist.
  • Syncing: Start on your iPad and finish on your desktop.
  • User Interface: Intuitive and unobtrusive, keeping you in the creative flow.
Product Cons
  • Free vs Premium: Some advanced features are behind a paywall.
  • Compatibility: Designed mainly for iPad and iPhone users.

SVG Maker – by Pixite

SVG Maker by Pixie is the perfect tool for generating SVG files with ease, making it a valuable asset for T-shirt designers.

Whether you’re creating custom graphics, logos, or icons for your custom t-shirts or apparel designs, this user-friendly software streamlines the process.

SVG Maker Logo
Key Benefit
  • Easily mix and match shapes like a puzzle.
  • Import/export in SVG, PNG, JPG, and PDF formats.
  • Choose from 25 hand-picked fonts or import your own.
  • Organize artwork efficiently with layers and grouping.
  • Access 35 ready-made palettes or create custom colors.
  • Achieve professional-level design without a graphic arts degree.

Multiple plans but the Assembly Pro is $2.99

Product Pros
  • User-Friendly: Perfect for newbies but deep enough for pros
  • Multitasking: Sketch, design, or finalize—it does it all
  • Format Freedom: Save in the format you need, from SVG to high-res JPG
Product Cons
  • Mobile-First: Might be limited compared to heavy-duty desktop apps
  • Feature Learning: A bit of a curve to master all the bells and whistles

Inkpad Graphic Design – by Envoza

Inkpad is a versatile t-shirt design software, making it an excellent choice for T-shirt designers. With its intuitive tools and support for both vector and raster work, you can create intricate and scalable T-shirt designs that shine. It’s layer management and seamless export options ensure your designs are print-ready and adaptable to various apparel sizes.

Whether a professional or a hobbyist, Inkpad simplifies the T-shirt design process, turning your creative vision into wearable art.

Inkpade Logo
Key Benefit
  • Draw swiftly and accurately, no paper needed.
  • Jazz up your text with creative flair.
  • Organize your art using layers, like stacking a sandwich.
  • Easily edit with scaling, rotating, and magical operations.
  • Explore many colors to fuel your creativity.
  • Share and save your work anywhere you want.
  • Customize your interface with light and dark modes.
  • Elevate your creativity with the Apple Pencil.

Monthly 1.49 or annual subscription for 6.99

Product Pros
  • Beginner-Friendly: Complex enough for pros, simple enough for newbies.
  • Versatile: Make everything from logos to elaborate artwork.
  • Apple Pencil: Feels like a real pen but with superpowers!
Product Cons
  • iPad Only: Sorry, laptop loyalists, this one’s just for the tablet folks.
  • So Many Features: It might take a bit to discover them all.

What is T Shirt Design Software?

Before diving into the best options for t-shirt design software, it’s essential to understand what it is. T-shirt design software allows you to create intricate or simple designs that can be printed directly onto t-shirts. These software options range from free to paid, desktop to mobile, and beginner-friendly to professional-grade.

How Can the Best T-Shirt Graphic Design Software Benefit You?

The best t-shirt design software can make your design process smoother, quicker, and more efficient. The features can save you time, money, and effort while also expanding your creative possibilities. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a full-time graphic designer, the right tool can take your t-shirt business to the next level.


Yes, t-shirt design can be a lucrative business venture if approached correctly. With the right software and high-quality designs, you can create a sustainable income stream.

Yes, many websites offer design templates for t-shirts. However, custom designs often sell better and bring more customer loyalty.

Raster graphics are made up of pixels, which can result in lower quality when scaled. They are not ideal for t-shirt design.

Vector graphics are scalable without losing quality, making them perfect for t-shirt design.

Buyers Guide: How I Conducted My Research

All the software I have shown is vector-based as a designer, the number one feature for scaling your designs. So, all software is vector. I based my research on the following key features:

  • Pricing Structure
  • Layering Capabilities
  • Learning Curve
  • Collaboration
  • Web vs Desktop
  • Updates Free or cost

Conclusion/Warp Up

Designing t-shirts can be a rewarding creative endeavor or even a full-time career. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a beginner, having the right software can significantly impact your design process. From professional-grade software like Adobe Illustrator to free platforms like Inkscape, the choices are abundant. Choose the one that fits your needs, level of expertise, and budget.

Don’t wait! The perfect design tool for your next amazing t-shirt could be just a click away. Start your free trial or choose to invest in your creative future today!

And if you’re keen on unlocking even more opportunities for income, be sure to check out our must-read article, “20 Ways to Monetize Your Designs.” It’s chock-full of actionable advice to help you make the most of your design skills. Start monetizing your creativity now!

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