Woman motioning with a fist bump and stating "How to get graphic Design clients for freelancers in 2023"

How To Get Graphic Design Clients for Freelancers in 2023

So you’re a freelance designer with the skills and the flair, but what’s missing?


You’re probably wondering how to get new graphic design clients here, right?

I know, I’ve been in that exact spot, tapping my pencil and staring at a blank client list.

Well, fret no more!

Grab your favorite brew—coffee, tea, or, hey, even a mojito, I’m not judging—and let’s dive into how you can land those new clients in 2023.

Sound good? Let’s go!

Graphic image of a big city in a circle with a slogan: "Who are my potential clients"

Who Are Your Potential Clients as a Graphic Designer

Okay, okay,

Who’s actually going to pay you for your amazing skills?

SPOILER: It’s a pretty diverse crowd!

  • Startups – New companies are popping up like daisies, and guess what? They need branding, web design, ad campaigns—the whole nine yards. You could be the design genius who makes them look as legit as they feel.
  • Marketing Agencies – Agencies are ALWAYS on the hunt for freelance graphic designers. Why? Because their clients are as varied as a bag of Skittles, and they need all sorts of design work.
  • Bloggers and Content Creators – Believe it or not, bloggers and YouTubers need more than just words and videos. They need custom graphics for posts, thumbnails, and merch. Yeah, it’s a whole thing!
  • E-commerce Businesses – Product photos, banner ads, and social media posts… oh my! E-commerce sites need these all day, every day. If you’re good, you could even get into designing custom packaging!
  • Local Businesses – Don’t underestimate your local café or bookstore. They often want to go BIG on social media or finally create that website they’ve dreamed of. Plus, supporting local? Make you feel good.
  • Non-Profits – Charities and non-profits need love too, and they have budgets for annual reports, campaign materials, and event branding. Help them make the world a better place, one design at a time!
  • Your Network (Yeah, like Aunt Jackie) – Remember Aunt Jackie and her cat’s Instagram account? Even personal contacts might need a wedding invitation designed; a resume spruced up, or a logo design for their pet’s social media.
  • Events and Conferences – Think banners, brochures, and presentation slides. These folks need a TON of stuff designed in a short amount of time. High stress, but also high reward!

See what I mean? Opportunities are EVERYWHERE. The trick is knowing how to spot them and swoop in like the design pro you are.

Reasons Freelancers Need To Master Landing Prospective Clients

Hold up!

Before you scroll down to the nitty-gritty steps, let’s get one thing straight—why should you even care about mastering the art of obtaining clients?

I mean, you’re busy, I get it.

Here’s the kicker:

  • Financial Security – Having a steady stream of clients is like a safety net for your bank account—no clients, no cash—simple as that.
  • Creative Control – Guess what happens when you have enough clients knocking on your door? You get CHOICE. You can say yes to projects that light your creative fire and politely decline the ones that don’t.
  • Building a Brand – The more clients you work with, the more your name gets out there. Before you know it, you’re not just a designer; you’re a BRAND.
  • Skill Growth – Different clients mean different needs. The variety helps you grow your skill set faster than a beanstalk in a fairytale!
  • Flexibility – Having a good handle on your client base means you can set your schedule. Late-night owl or early morning riser, it’s up to you!
  • Networking Ops – Clients don’t just bring money; they provide connections. One satisfied client can refer you to tons more potential work. It’s like a snowball effect but in a good way!

So, there it is. Mastering the client game isn’t just nice; it’s crucial.

You owe it to yourself to become a pro at this. Plus, let’s be real: who doesn’t want to be their own boss, picking and choosing cool projects?

So get that refill on your mojito because we’re diving deep into how to make all this happen for you!

Graphic image of a big city in a circle with a slogan: "Step by Step Guide to findling clients"

Step-by-Step Instructions: How To Get Graphic Design Clients

Ready to roll up your sleeves? Awesome, because we’re going deep!

Listen, you could have the best design skills on the planet, but if you don’t know how to get clients, you’re like a rockstar without a stage—full of potential but nowhere to shine.

That’s why we’re here.

In the next few sections, I’ll break down the ultimate playbook to fill up your client roster.

I’m talking actionable steps, practical options, and even some secret sauces to spice things up.

So get comfy and maybe grab a snack (I’m a meat and cheese kind of person myself) because we’re about to go on a client-getting journey like no other!

Understanding Your Target Graphic Design Clients

First things first, you must know who you’re target audience before you can woo them. Research industries that are always on the hunt for fresh graphic designs, like tech startups or marketing agencies. You can even get super fancy and create customer personas to nail down their exact needs.

Tools like Google Trends are your BFF here. And hey, don’t underestimate the power of a simple survey among your existing network with Reddit or Quora.

Effective Portfolio

Now, you must show them you’re the real deal. Curate your portfolio to showcase a mix of your best work. Platforms like Behance are an easy start, or you could go all out with a custom website. Web designers can easilyt get you a site up and running in no time if this is not your specialty.

And pro tip: Find other graphic designers, friends, or a mentor to give it a once-over to ensure it’s a great example of your work.

Branding Yourself

So you’ve got skills and a portfolio, but what’s gonna make you memorable? Your brand, baby! Get yourself a logo design, a tagline, and even a color scheme that screams ‘you.’

You can DIY this using tools like Canva or splurge on a pro to really make it pop.

Network, Network, Network

Here’s where you get to be a social butterfly. Attend industry events, both online and offline. Keep in touch with old colleagues or classmates because you never know who will need a freelancer.

LinkedIn is your playground for this one, but co-working spaces are a hidden gem to meet other creatives and potential clients.

Pricing and Proposals

Money talks! Determine your rates package deals, and always send out detailed proposals. Tools like Bonsai or FreshBooks can give your paperwork that extra shine.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try value-based pricing for high ROI projects.

Sign Up for Design Job Sites and Freelance Platforms

Dribble and Upwork, you name it. These platforms can be a goldmine for gigs. Set up your profiles to highlight your best work and get those testimonials in there. Trust me, it makes a difference.

Marketing Strategies

Your portfolio won’t market itself, so get busy. Utilize SEO, maybe start a blog or even host webinars. Collaborations with influencers can give you that extra spotlight.

Pinterest is also a nifty platform to showcase your designs and drive some serious traffic to gain exposure to your website.

Cold Calls – Outreach

Nobody wanted to put themselves out but this really makes a diffence. Put on your bravest face. Identify companies that could benefit from your skills, and don’t be shy—shoot them an email.

Use tools like Hunter.io to find the right people to talk to and always, ALWAYS follow up.

Social Media Marketing

This is your chance to be everywhere your potential clients hang out. Instagram is great for visuals, while Twitter gives you a platform for industry chatter.

And don’t sleep on TikTok or Reels for quick design tips or project showcases.

Paid Ads

If you have some cash in your pocket, paid ads can boost your visibility quickly. Start small, monitor your performance, and tweak as needed.

Retargeting ads can help you capture those almost-clients past clients who visited your site but didn’t bite.

Here are some qualifications that can help you pursue a career as a digital designer

Key Consideration for Successfully Finding Potential Clients

Look, it’s easy to follow a step-by-step guide (you’ve just read one), but let’s be real—some essential factors make the difference between a seasoned freelance graphic designer vs. other designers.

These aren’t just tips; they’re your secret weapons.

Understand Their Business Before They Do

Wait, what? You heard me! Get ahead of the curve by becoming a mini-expert in your potential client’s industry. Know their competitors, recent trends, and even challenges.

Imagine how blown away they’ll be when you can discuss their business better than they can. Use platforms like Crunchbase or industry-specific publications to get the inside scoop.

Personalized Pitches Over Mass Emails

It’s tempting to blast 100 companies with the same email template, but do you like receiving spam? Nah, I didn’t think so. Instead, create a hyper-personalized pitch for each prospect. Go the extra mile and wow them with the research your done.

Use their name, comment on a recent project they’ve done, or compliment their mission statement. Authenticity is magnetic, trust me.

The ‘Puppy Dog Close’ Technique

Ever been to a pet store, and they let you take the puppy home “just for the weekend”? It’s pretty hard to take it back, right? Apply this technique to your proposals. Offer to do a small project for free or at a reduced cost.

Once they see your skills and reliability, they’re way more likely to hire you for bigger, more lucrative projects.

Active Participating on Social Media

You can find a wealth of information on social media, but you gotta learn how to dig. Listen to podcasts, engage in social conversations, reply to questions, and share valuable content.

Over time, you’ll become the go-to person for design wisdom. Use tools like Gorgias or Hootsuite to monitor multiple social channels. You can set keep track of all relevant conversations in one spot! Get in there!

Upsell and Cross-Sell Like a Pro

Already got a client or two? Fabulous! But don’t stop there. Offer additional services they might need. If you’ve designed their logo, perhaps they need business cards, social media templates, or even a company website revamp.

The point is, you’ve already got your foot in the door, so why not take a few more steps inside?

Know When to Say No

You’re eager for work, but not every client is the right fit. Recognize the red flags of a potential nightmare client—unclear communication, unrealistic expectations, or constant delays in payment.

Trust your gut; your time and skill are too valuable to waste.

Always Be Closing (ABC)

Always be in the mindset of closing a deal.

Every interaction is an opportunity to showcase your skills and professionalism. Even if a potential client seems out of reach now, a simple “Can I follow up in a few months?” can set you up for a future opportunity.

Graphic image of a big city in a circle with a slogan: "What Clients REALLY Want"

What Do Graphic Design Clients REALLY Want?

Here’s the down-low on what your potential clients are actually looking for:

  • Solve Problems, Not Just Design: They’re after a comprehensive solution that gives them an edge, not just a pretty picture.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Engage clients with visual demos like quick videos or interactive presentations to showcase your process.
  • Quick but Awesome: Speed is key, but never at the expense of quality. Beat realistic timelines to become their go-to designer.
  • Personal Touch: Make them feel like they’re your one and only. Remember special dates and maintain open lines of communication.
  • Be Transparent and Simple: Skip the jargon and speak human. Transparency about pricing and timeframes sets you apart.
  • One-Stop-Shop: Bundle multiple skills or services together to become an irresistible package deal.

At the end of the day, clients want a talented designer who’s also a problem solver, communicator, and all-around awesome human being. These soft skills matter!

Show them you check all these boxes, and you’re not just another freelancer—you’re their dream designer.

How to Offer Graphic Design Services Online?

Wondering how to step into the digital world? Here’s your roadmap:

  • Create an Amazing Portfolio Website: Platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace make it easy to showcase your best work and leave a lasting impression.
  • Set Up an Online Store for Digital Products: With Gumroad or Shopify, you can sell templates, fonts, or custom designs and create an extra income stream.
  • Leverage Social Media: Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are your 24/7 networking events. Use them to showcase your skills and connect with potential clients.
  • Offer Online Consultations: Virtual meet-ups via Zoom, Skype or Loom make it convenient for potential clients to get to know you and your work.
  • Run Email Campaigns: Use an email marketing tool like Mailchimp or Klaviyo to keep your name and offerings in front of both existing and potential clients.
  • Utilize Freelance Marketplaces: Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and DesignCrowd are filled with clients looking for your skills.
  • SEO Is Your Friend: Optimize your site, blog posts, and even portfolio items with keywords to get in good with Google.

Getting your graphic design biz online is about being proactive and being where your ideal clients are. From showcasing your portfolio to optimizing for search engines, these steps will make you a digital superstar.

Ready to rock the online world?

Graphic image of a big city in a circle with a slogan: "How do I retain my clients"

Now I Have Landed My First Client – How Do I Retain My Clients

You’ve got that client and done the happy dance, but the real work starts now. Let’s keep those clients coming back for more!

  • Exceed Expectations: Always deliver a bit more than what they asked for. Throw in a bonus design element or offer a faster turnaround time.
  • Keep Communication Open: Set regular check-ins, update them on progress, and always be accessible.
  • Ask for Feedback, and Act on It: After the project wraps, ask what went well and what didn’t. Use this insight for future projects.
  • Send Thank-You Notes or Gifts: A small token of appreciation can go a long way in making you memorable.
  • Offer Loyalty Discounts or Referral Bonuses: Give them a reason to come back or bring their friends.
  • Follow-up: A month or so after the project is done, check in to see how things are going. It keeps you on their radar for future projects.
  • Stay Updated and Keep Them Updated: Keep improving your skills and let your clients know about your new capabilities or offerings.

Retaining a client isn’t just about that one project; it’s about your business relationships and building a long-term relationship. Be attentive, be excellent, and be their go-to for all things design.

Make yourself their irreplaceable linchpin for all things design, and they’ll stick around for the long haul. How’s that for job security?

Recommended Tools

Okay, so you’ve got the skills and the know-how, but you’re probably wondering, “What tools can help me get the job done even better?” Say no more, friend!

  • Portfolio Platforms: Sites like Behance, Dribble, or your own custom domain can make your work shine.
  • Client Management: Software like HoneyBook or Bonsai helps you keep track of proposals, invoices, and all that fun admin stuff.
  • Design Software: Adobe Creative Suite is the biggie here, but there are cheaper alternatives like Canva or Figma for quick tasks.
  • Social Media Management: Buffer or Hootsuite can be lifesavers when you’re juggling client work and your own marketing when it comes to publishing content.
  • Communication: Slack or Microsoft Teams are great for keeping the lines open with clients, especially for longer projects.
  • Invoicing: FreshBooks or QuickBooks make the painful process of invoicing a bit more bearable.

Don’t just work harder; work smarter! These tools will not only make your life easier but also impress your clients with your seamless, professional process. Imagine finishing your workday early and still nailing all your tasks. Now, THAT’S the dream, right? 

Dive into our step-by-step guide on how to print from Canva. From color choices to design tweaks, get top results in print every single

What Is a Freelance Graphic Designer?

So you keep hearing the term “freelance graphic designers” tossed around like confetti, but what does it actually mean?

  • You’re Your Own Boss: Yep, no more clocking in and out. You call the shots, make the rules, and set your own schedule.
  • Work from Anywhere: Whether it’s a beach in Bali or your grandma’s basement, your workspace is wherever you make it.
  • Diverse Clientele: One day, you could be working on a startup logo, and the next, designing concert posters. The sky’s the limit!
  • Flexibility in Specialization: You’re not tied to just one type of design. Experiment with web design, branding, and illustration—the world is your creative oyster.
  • Handle the Business Side: From invoicing to client negotiations, you’re not just a designer; you’re also an entrepreneur.
  • Freedom & Responsibility: You have the freedom to choose who you work with and the projects you take on, but with that comes the responsibility of delivering high-quality work.
  • Continuous Learning: Trends change like the weather, and you’ve got to keep up. Luckily, there are tons of resources available to help you stay ahead of the game.

Being a freelance graphic designer is a mix of creative freedom, business acumen, and endless opportunities. It’s a chance to carve out a career path that’s as unique as you are.

With great power comes great responsibility but also endless possibilities.

So, are you in or what?

You’re an artist, an entrepreneur, and your own boss. Freedom and creativity, baby!

Wrapping Up Graphic Design Clients

Alright, we’ve covered a TON, haven’t we? From figuring out who your potential clients are to how to dazzle them online and even how to keep ’em coming back for more. If you’ve made it this far, give yourself a high-five! 🙌

My own journey through the rollercoaster of freelancing has been wild, but let me tell you, every bump and loop has been worth it. I’ve met incredible clients, flexed my creative muscles in ways I never imagined, and learned that in this game, you’re forever a student.

So here’s my final piece of wisdom: Keep that hunger for learning alive. No blog post or course can teach you what you’ll learn from actually diving in and doing the work.

If you are a beginner or a pro, there’s graphic design software out there that will fit your needs. Check out our list to find the best!

Ready to take the plunge? Go get those clients, rock that portfolio, and show the world what you’ve got. Let’s do this!

And hey, if you’re amped up about what you’ve just read, you’re gonna love what’s coming next. My next article will be all about “How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio.” So, if you want to keep crushing it in the freelance world, be sure to stay tuned!

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